Wednesday, June 27, 2007

UK Floods

The floods are horrendous for all those who are living with them.

But, why do the powers that be never realise the power and unstoppability of flood water? Why does it appear to shock them that water which falls upriver, actually travels down it - and it depends upon the length of the river and the amount of rain, whether or not there will be an extensive flood.

Perhaps they can be a tad more enlightened when dealing with the clean up.

Help should be organised NOW. Free disposal for 'dangerous' items should be introduced. Within this category fridges need to be included, also any items which use batteries - batteries should be disposed of safely - and free - otherwise unimaginable problems will present.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Genuine versus Compatible in All Ways

When searching for a battery for a specific cell phone by a named brand, for example, Motorola... is a battery sold as compatible in all ways, with plenty of fancy wording - but not the words Motorola Battery - genuine or compatible? Or could it be both genuine and compatible. Or maybe neither compatible nor genuine.

It really is a minefield out there because you will invalidate your guarantee if you don't access just the right and correct battery!

Be VERY careful when buying your batteries.

Why not use our recommended suppliers - see the links in the margin.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Make money, save money... which is best?

No battery information today, back with battery info tomorrow!

But I just HAD to share this way of making money. If you write anything at all on the internet then you could probably make something from this idea. You don't need to have your own website or blog for this to work... do check it out. At least you won't lose anything by looking, or by trying it. There is NOTHING to buy - it's free.

Are you looking to make a few pence or pounds whilst expressing your opinions?

You could get paid just by linking over to this Home Page!

If you have a blog, newsletter, website, or just like to participate in forums, then you can get paid by referring other people to read special articles.

It is that easy. Just read the above paragraph again.

Let me explain.

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Link to specific AffiliateKB Articles or to the Home Page... and if you see an article on AffiliateKB that you want to share with others, link to it from your website, blog, newsletter, or forum post using your unique tracking link [which you will get as a member].

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This means you get the commission when they click that ad and buy the product. This is true even if they read an article on our site one year after you referred them!

For example click the following special link to Read an Article. This article is by Holly Mann... Holly Mann is an extraordinary affiliate marketer. In just 4 months, she went from an income of zero [we all have to start there] to an income of $10,000 - $12,000 per month! Her emphasis is one of honesty - something that flies in the face of so many "gurus" who constantly oversell and under deliver.

Do check this article out, you'll see that only quality articles are included on AffiliateKB... and the article is an eye opener, real information, and free too! Click Here to read the full article - nothing held back!

And DO click on this special link to have a chance to win a very special cash prize ... $1,000 CONTEST

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Battery Saving Tips

A list of battery saving tips from the very beginning of our blog has been included below as a timely reminder.

With the heat of summer beginning to hit in the Northern Hemisphere it is particularly important to remember to... keep your batteries COOL.

Most importantly, for any battery 'driven' item... a vital instruction. Do NOT leave spent batteries in your watch, camera, or even your torch, for any length of time.

They can, and most probably will, corrode and ruin the internal working of your precious items.

For the well-being of your actual batteries... keep them cool. If you take them out of your camera or whatever, store them in the refrigerator. Heat contributes radically to battery wear and tear.

New batteries for your mobile phone will have to be charged for the stipulated amount of time before use. Do NOT use them before they have completed the full amount of time charging which your instructions will clearly state.

Apart from the first full charge, it will be vital not to over-charge your batteries... you will need to check often as they are charging, and as soon as they are fully charged, remove them from your charger.

Charging on a little and often basis is, in most cases, the best way to conserve the life in your batteries.

[Links to our preferred battery supplier and to the extremely informative 'Dummies' books can be found in our left-hand margin.]

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Which rechargeable batteries are best?

For anyone who wants to find out which rechargeable batteries are best there is a very useful post on my clippings at...our 'Energy-Saving Blog' ... you'll find a quick link in our right-hand margin.

Otherwise you could Click Here to visit the page directly.

How about a very special offer... a free trial of Which? UK residents can learn which rechargeable batteries are best AND just so much more!

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tips, simple explanations, and special sale items

Have you checked out the link to '' in our right-hand margin?

Besides being an A1 supplier who ticks all the right boxes, they also send out informative newsletters/e-mails with tips, simple explanations [like the one quoted below], and also have special sales.

"How to convert VA to Watts and KVA to Kilowatts?

Since watts is volts times amps, what is VA? VA (or volt-amps) is also volts times amps, the concept however has been extended to AC power. For DC current

VA = Watts (DC current).

In AC if the volts and amps are in phase (for example a resistive load) then the equation is also

VA=Watts (resistive load)

where V is the RMS voltage and A the RMS amperage.

In AC the volts and amps are not always in phase (meaning that the peak of the voltage curve is does not happen at the peak of the current curve). So in AC, if the volts and amps are not precisely in phase you have to calculate the watts by multiplying the volts times the amps at each moment in time and take the average over time. The ratio between the VA (i.e. rms volts time rms amps) is called the power factor PF.

VA·PF = Watts (any load, including inductive loads)"

P.S. Don't forget to check out what is on sale at the moment... you'll find some real bargains!

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