Monday, April 30, 2007
Gas Drilling in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
difference in the fate of America's remaining wild lands.
The Bush Administration plans to radically escalate gas drilling
in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, one of America's
most important and spectacular wildlife habitats.
Fortunately we have until June 18 to weigh in on this plan and
secure safeguards for the wildlife and air quality. I took a
moment to send a message, and I hope you'll do the same. Simply
click the link below:
Labels: gas drilling, greater Yellowstone ecosystem, the Bush Administration, wilderness, wildlife habitat
Solar Garden Lighting
This post is just a reminder to all those in the Northern Hemisphere that we are coming out of winter! It's time to go to the garden centre, DIY store, ironmongers... or wherever you can choose your new garden lighting and buy some of the gorgeous new generation of solar powered garden lights.
Have you ever visited... or any of their sister websites? You will find lots of beautiful solar lighting ideas there, together with many other gift ideas... and they are all sold in aid of the particular good cause you prefer to support.
Labels: garden lights, ironmongers, Northern Hemisphere, solar lighting
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Hobby batteries... just the right battery for your favorite hobbies
If you are searching for a battery for your paintball gun, or for robots, or even model helicopters... then this is the place to check out. Should you have any further queries on the item you are searching for just fill out the helpful online form for a prompt and helpful reply.
Check it out, you'll be glad you did!
Labels: batteries for your hobby, hobbies, hobby batteries
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Cordless Phone Batteries...
For well priced and convenient battery supplies, just click on the 'Batteries' link for a a brilliant UK supplier.
Check them out and you'll find a staggering choice of brands and if you can't find what you are looking for - here is what they advise - "Simply enter any make (e.g. Dell), model (e.g. Solo 2200) or part number (e.g. P60AS-5SPH) into the box below and click the go button. The database will search for any matches:"
For the USA try ''
You'll find shipping information and countries to which they ship on the site.
[Whilst we are on the subject of our links - our 'Energy Saving' blog has been updated. Note:- I normally update it on a daily basis!]
Labels: cordless phone batteries, cordless phone battery
Monday, April 23, 2007
Today there is a fascinating clip about China's policy on nuclear power... it seems far more far-sighted than any of the so-called democratically ruled countries leaders ideas can claim to be.
I wish Mr. Blair would take note of the points made within the quoted speech. A little democracy and fair even-handed publicity would go a long way!
Subsidies for each household to install solar and wind power would be far more cost effective than shelling out on nuclear initially... and in the long run would be much better [and safer] and cheaper.
Labels: China's energy policy, energy-saving, nuclear power
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Communications towers... YOU can help
"Did you know that millions of migratory birds die each year as they collide with communications towers? But these deaths can be reduced.
I just wrote to the Federal Communications Commission, urging them to do something about it. You can, too -- just go to this website to take action:
Towers & Birds
Between 5 million and 50 million birds are killed annually when they collide with communications towers and related structures such as the support wires. Around 230 bird species are affected -- over one-quarter of all bird species found in the United States -- including 52 species that are in decline, like the cerulean warbler, black rail, Bell's vireo, the golden-winged warbler, Swainson's warbler, Henslow's sparrow, Bachman's sparrow, and McCown's longspur.
The FCC has the power and the obligation to do something about it. Changes to the way communications structures are lit for safety can go a long way to preventing millions of bird deaths each year.
Write to the FCC today! Tell them to develop rules to help birds safely reach their destinations. But hurry -- the deadline for comments is Monday, April 23rd!"
Towers & Birds
Labels: communications, communications towers, conservation issues, energy conservation, migratory birds
Friday, April 20, 2007
But, what this post is all about is the contents of that newsletter and the link it contained...
Do check this out now - only valid to 30th April...
'There is a crisis in health freedom. On April 30, 2007 the FDA will close the public comment period on a "Guidance" which will classify every alternative practice as medicine so that only licensed physicians can carry out the procedure AND vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc., will suddenly become "untested drugs" which will be forbidden.
Bad? Real Bad! But public outcry can stop this assault on your health and your freedom.
Spread the word! Tell everyone in your Circle of Influence, professionals, alternative practitioners, nutrient and herb companies, everyone! Let them know how important their participation is to make sure the FDA backs off from this repressive course.
Please share this link with them and urge them to take action:
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation'
Just one comment, in despair... How could this be even considered? [We know, all to well... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!] Alternative medicines have been around for thousands of years... it is these chemical and synthetic drugs which should be banned!
Labels: health news, herbs, minerals, synthetic drugs, vitamins
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Just Checking!
Have you read all our previous posts in the archives on ways to make your batteries work and last for longer?
The archives is where you will find all the posts on battery conservation, and also on where to get 'hard to find' batteries... plus loads of other useful info.
Do check our 'Energy-Saving' link [see right-hand margin] as we update it with many and various items... and we usually do this on a daily basis!
Labels: archives, battery, hard to find batteries
Monday, April 16, 2007
Labels: energy saving
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Daffodil Principle
What this post is really about is 'The Daffodil Principle'... to find the blog post just Click Here. [The posting on the blog was dated Friday, April 13, 2007... and I know I feel extremely lucky to have read it!]
If you read below you will find the summary from the end of the post... but PLEASE don't miss the actual post, to read it is just such an uplifting experience... and the pictures are beautiful too!
"There is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt, and, Dance like no one's watching.
Wishing you a beautiful, daffodil day!
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
If you want to brighten someone's day, pass this on to someone special. I just did! "
This is the link... Click Here NOW. [Remember the posting on blog was dated Friday, April 13, 2007.]
Labels: Friday 13th, internal battery, lucky 13, the daffodil principle
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Voting... make your vote count on global warming
Do you think that an individual voice will never be heard?
There IS a way.
Even for non US citizens, there is a way, as you can join and sign some of the petitions... even though you won't have an influence on voting and other internal matters... which is obviously only fair.
Just check out the League of Conservation Voters website. Click Here to visit the website and see what it is all about. Don't miss it! Definitely a most informative and fascinating read.
Alternatively, or as well as, you could sign up for their e-mails... here.
Labels: climate change, energy conservation, environment, global warming, vote, voting
Friday, April 13, 2007
Batteries, battery powered 'electricals', & energy saving...
If you are considering buying a new digital radio... having the choice of battery or mains use makes it more versatile, click on Radio for a more in-depth look. For other battery powered electricals, like mp3 players, etcetera... try the general introductory page at... Entertainment.
For well priced and convenient battery supplies, just click on the 'Batteries' link for the UK, and the '' link for the USA. You'll find shipping information and countries to which they ship on the sites.
[Whilst we are on the subject of our links - our 'Energy Saving' blog has been updated. Note:- I normally update it on a daily basis!]
Labels: aaa batteries, battery powered electricals, energy saving, mp3 player, radio
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Batteries... updated?
An unmissable article I found suggests that batteries have been around for one heck of a time... do check it out, it's totally fascinating!
This article which I found [bit late I must admit, since the piece is dated before the war in Iraq in 2003!] suggests that there are "batteries" which date back to 200 BC.
It really does make a fascinating read though... here is the address... just copy and paste it into your browser... really, really, interesting...
Labels: 200 BC, aaa batteries, Iraq, unmissable article
Monday, April 09, 2007
Travel... do you need to know the electrical voltage at your destination?
If you want to take your digital camera and battery charger with you when you travel on holiday... it's a MUST for most people... [and any other electrical equipment for that matter]... it will be extremely useful to KNOW what the electrical voltage is in your destination country, or countries.
So find out what the voltage is in your destination country, then read your instruction booklet and ask your supplier what you must do if the voltage will be different to your own.
Click on the following link to find an extremely useful Electrical Voltage Guide... you're bound to find your travel destination country here!
Labels: batteries, digital camera, electrical voltage guide, holiday destination, travel
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Magic... my daughter thinks it is!
If she has 'been shopping' it is usually to eBay. From cake stands to bicycles she has had bargain, after bargain... no problems parking, with extortionate parking fees, no crowded shops. As far as she is concerned, it's the ONLY way to shop.
If you haven't tried it yet, why not give eBay!
And if you are looking for batteries, here is just a small taster of the types you can search for...
rechargeable batteries
12v battery
aa batteries
12v car battery
duracell batteries
leisure battery
aa rechargeable batteries
battery charger
auto battery
battery c
motorcycle battery
aaa rechargeable batteries
duracell aa batteries
button battery
aaa batteries
Of course there is the chance that you could get carried away and buy more than just the battery... but if you shop carefully, and know your shop prices... you can bag a real bargain!
Labels: 12v car battery, aaa batteries, button battery, duracell batteries, motorcycle battery
Friday, April 06, 2007
Miracle cure?
If we are lucky, water comes out of the tap! And standards of purity apply. So why are so many people buying bottled water? [It's not a very 'green' thing to do, what with the plastic bottles which have to be made, and the transportation costs... to name but two of the problems!]
But the following information from an e-mail I received made me laugh... well you either have to laugh, or CRY.
"A popular brand of spring water - with a label showing a lake and some mountains - comes from a well in the car park of an industrial facility. (And what is more worrying is that the car park is just next door to a hazardous waste dump.)"
If you are worried about the quality of your tap water... just put some into a jug, the air will remove some impurities in a short period of time; you could also use a magnetized stand for it. Anyone who wants more details... please leave a request.
Labels: bottled water, plastic bottles, spring water
My collection of CLIPPINGS
I am also including a link in the margin in the LINKS section to this blog... just look for the title 'Energy-Saving' and check our regularly updated information.
Here is the link for a quick peek... 'Energy-Saving'
Labels: clippings, energy saving, energy-saving
But I have also found another book which would be of interest to anyone interested in alternative energies, energy saving, and most things green. Let's go into detail...
The foreward is by Al Gore. The book itself has over 600 pages, and is divided into 7 sections which include a vast range of topics...
GREEN DESIGN, biomimicry, sustainable food, clothing, trade and technology
GREEN BUILDING AND LANDSCAPING, clean energy, water, disaster relief and humanitarian design
SMART GROWTH, sustainable communities, transportation, greening infrastructure, product-service systems, leapfrogging and megacity challenges
EDUCATION, women's rights, public health, holistic approaches to community development, South-South science, social entrepreneurship and micro-lending, and philanthropy
SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT, worldchanging start-ups, ecological economics, corporate social responsibility and green business
NETWORKED POLITICS, new media, transparency, human rights, non-violent revolution and peacemaking big picture -- everything from placing oneself in a bioregion to climate foresight to environmental history to green space exploration
Yes, it's a challenging read as you can see from the above list of contents... but you don't need to read it all at once! It probably contains all you'll ever need to know... and, just a suggestion, you could borrow it from a library before you buy. You will then convince yourself you need your own personal copy!
Now all you need is the title and author... "World Changing... a users guide for the 21st century" and it is by Alex Steffen - check it out at Amazon...
Once you get to the Amazon page all you will need to do is type in 'World Changing' over where it says 'For Dummies' and this book will come up near the top of the searches, if not the top one. Check out the reviews... one says that "everyone should own a copy and that it is... well organised, well thought out, and thorough."
Labels: Alex Steffen, books, For Dummies, World Changing
Energy Saving
"The European Union plans raise the share of renewable energy sources to 20 percent, and increase energy efficiency by 20 percent, all by 2020. To help achieve these goals, a push is being made for the use of energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs."
Labels: energy saving blog
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Batteries... difficult to source?
Difficult to source batteries are a speciality at MDS, so is customer service - and speed of service. It is so rare to receive your goods so quickly... I was amazed... I was also delighted at being keep so well informed as to despatch, delivery, etcetera.
If nothing else check out their page of testimonials!
From their news page I checked out the following story, and I quote... "MDS Battery is pleased to announce that it has moved to new and larger premises at the Riverwalk Business Park in Enfield. The building, which forms part of a new business development in the Upper Lee Valley, offers the company more office and warehousing space under the convenience one roof. The trade counter is open to visitors from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday."
So, if you live in the vicinity, check availability on the website... then you can save on postage by just dropping by during the opening hours stated above. A 'win-win' solution.
Labels: difficult to source batteries, laptop batteries, trade counter
Monday, April 02, 2007
Simple Tip for remembering to change the batteries in Smoke Alarms
remember to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.
As well as replacing your batteries at least once a year, it’s also a
good idea to clean them occasionally, as dust and debris can interfere
with their operation, so vacuum over and around your smoke alarm
Smoke detectors are like any electrical device... sooner or later they
wear out. It is recommended that you use a marker to write your smoke
detector's purchase date on the inside of the unit.... or [better still] if, like me, you keep all guarantees together in a drawer; write the purchase date prominently on the outside of your guarantees as well.
Most smoke detectors can be expected to work dependably for about eight to ten years. After that period of time... better safe than sorry... replace them!
Don't rely on your yearly gas check to find all [or ANY] leaks, PLEASE. Our gas had been leaking before it got to the meter, we think for years, luckily it was in a cupboard by a vent and just by the back door. The yearly checks did not pick it up... and it wasn't until the boiler broke down that the problem was found.
Labels: carbon monoxide, smoke alarm batteries, smoke detector
Energy Saving Tips...
This energy saving post concerns more general 'energy saving tips' for your home.
I am not going to post a long article for you to read here... but I have a website address for you to visit where you will find all sorts of useful FREE energy saving tips and advice, plus links to other resources within the energy conservation field.
So without further waste of space, or of your time... here is the address which will help... Energy Saving Tips
Labels: energy conservation, energy saving, energy saving tips
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