Friday, April 06, 2007


We have provided a link to the comprehensive Amazon books selection for your convenience. Initially, I thought it would come in handy for the Dummies series... which, if you aren't familiar with their format, explains concisely, and in an easy to understand way, whatever subject it is that you wish to know about!


But I have also found another book which would be of interest to anyone interested in alternative energies, energy saving, and most things green. Let's go into detail...

The foreward is by Al Gore. The book itself has over 600 pages, and is divided into 7 sections which include a vast range of topics...

GREEN DESIGN, biomimicry, sustainable food, clothing, trade and technology
GREEN BUILDING AND LANDSCAPING, clean energy, water, disaster relief and humanitarian design
SMART GROWTH, sustainable communities, transportation, greening infrastructure, product-service systems, leapfrogging and megacity challenges
EDUCATION, women's rights, public health, holistic approaches to community development, South-South science, social entrepreneurship and micro-lending, and philanthropy
SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT, worldchanging start-ups, ecological economics, corporate social responsibility and green business
NETWORKED POLITICS, new media, transparency, human rights, non-violent revolution and peacemaking big picture -- everything from placing oneself in a bioregion to climate foresight to environmental history to green space exploration

Yes, it's a challenging read as you can see from the above list of contents... but you don't need to read it all at once! It probably contains all you'll ever need to know... and, just a suggestion, you could borrow it from a library before you buy. You will then convince yourself you need your own personal copy!

Now all you need is the title and author... "World Changing... a users guide for the 21st century" and it is by Alex Steffen - check it out at Amazon...

Once you get to the Amazon page all you will need to do is type in 'World Changing' over where it says 'For Dummies' and this book will come up near the top of the searches, if not the top one. Check out the reviews... one says that "everyone should own a copy and that it is... well organised, well thought out, and thorough."

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